Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — Network ProtocolsAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — StorageAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.Feb 17, 2022Feb 17, 2022
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — Latency and ThroughputAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.Feb 22, 20221Feb 22, 20221
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — AvailabilitySystem Design Series — Latency and ThroughputMay 24, 2022May 24, 2022
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — CachingAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.May 24, 2022May 24, 2022
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — ProxiesAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.May 24, 2022May 24, 2022
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — Load BalancersAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.May 29, 2022May 29, 2022
Ayush AddhyayanSystem Design Series — IntroductionAll about building robust, functional, and scalable systems.Feb 13, 20221Feb 13, 20221
Shivam SinhaTikTok System DesignTikTok is a video-sharing platform between users. Uploading, view video and scroll up to change video.Feb 14, 2022Feb 14, 2022
Shivam SinhaSystem Design Architecture StackOverflowStack Overflow is a question-and-answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers. In the previous post, we discussed LLD, in…Feb 21, 2022Feb 21, 2022
Shivam SinhaTwitter System Design Part-1Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”…Jun 19, 2022Jun 19, 2022
InGrokking the Tech InterviewbyFahim ul HaqTop 10 System Design Interview Questions for Software EngineersDesigning Large Scale Distributed Systems has become the standard part of the software engineering interviews. Engineers struggle with…Aug 24, 201710Aug 24, 201710
Y TechSystem Design — Design a Monitoring SystemThis post will discuss the details of designing a monitoring system, which is asked in many interviews.Feb 24, 20225Feb 24, 20225
Rakshesh ShahSystem Design — Design a distributed job scheduler (KISS Interview series)This is my first post in the system design interview preparation series. My goal is to design KISS (keep it simple stupid.!) system that…May 21, 202210May 21, 202210